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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Posttraumatic stress disorder (or PTSD) has received more coverage in the media due to recent wars in the Middle East and increases in diagnoses among combat veterans. As the name suggests, PTSD is a disorder that occurs following a traumatic event in which someone felt that their life was in danger. Overwhelmingly strong experiences of panic can occur when individuals are reminded of their traumatic experiences, and sufferers also have nightmares about the events they endured, or experience increased vigilance to possible threats that is excessive in most situations. PTSD can occur in response to combat, but can also manifest after any trauma, including physical and/or sexual attacks, accidents or disasters.

Wondering if you might have PTSD? Take a PTSD screening test.

Interested in treatment for PTSD? Read more about our clinical services or our PTSD treatment model.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Resources