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Anxiety Medication

anti-anxiety-medicationTreating Anxiety with Medication

Your mental well-being is a vital factor of your overall health and it has been demonstrated that psychological health is intricately linked to your physical health.  Optimally treating your mood problems may not only improve your quality of life, but could also reduce the risk of developing some physical illnesses such as cardiovascular disease. Treating anxiety and mood issues is important and at times it may require psychopharmacology in addition to psychotherapy.

The Anxiety Treatment Center of Austin does not prescribe medications. However, ATCA works with several psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners in Austin, and his happy to work with you to find the best fit for your needs.

Our Policy On Anti-Anxiety Medication Prescriptions

We are careful to observe all the laws and guidance on prescribing controlled substances in a safe and non-habit-forming manner. As described in the Resilient Mind Psychiatry service contract, stimulant medication and benzodiazepines are not prescribed without thorough evaluation and a urine drug test. Please do not ask your therapist for a prescription on your first visit. We are committed to treating clients responsibly with the evidence-based methods that are most appropriate for their needs.