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OCD Treatment

People living with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) experience persistent, worrisome thoughts (called obsessions), and usually engage in repetitive behaviors (called compulsions) as a means of reducing or relieveing their obsessions. For example, a person who is worried about being contaminated by dirt and germs (the obsession) may wash their hands repeatedly (the compulsion) in an effort to prevent illness. This becomes a problem when it interferes with their daily life; people with OCD may be so worried about germs, for example, that they cannot focus on other things. Although this is a common example, people living with OCD have a very wide range of obsessions and compulsions.

Treatment for OCD at the Anxiety Treatment Center of Austin

The Anxiety Treatment Center of Austin uses Exposure with Response Prevention (ERP), a psychological treatment for OCD which has been demonstrated in scientific studies to help many people overcome their OCD. ERP involves helping a person to engage in activities which are feared (such as touching dirty surfaces) without engaging in their compulsive responses (like hand washing). This is achieved after an in-depth evaluation and only once a person is comfortable working with their therapist. As a unique approach, ERP is combined with Acceptance-Based Behavior Therapy, which involves learning to manage and accept unwanted thoughts and feelings. In other words, a person may always experience some obsessive worry, but they can learn to live with this worry, and accept it as a thought.

Schedule a Consultation for OCD Treatment

Call or email us to set up a brief phone consultation with one of our Anxiety Specialists. We can answer questions, provide more information, and determine eligibility for OCD treatment. Please provide a good time to speak. We are located in central Austin, and have availability during daytime hours, evenings, and weekends.

Wondering if you might have OCD? Take a OCD screening test.